Operation: Housing is a Conditional Cash Transfer Program with the goal of providing the resources, support, and education to achieve permanent housing and financial goals. Through motel outreach, Frontline Housing enrolls families that are on their way to permanent housing and assists them with addressing their barriers each month. Families are required to save each month, attend a monthly workshop, and spend a portion of their funds towards application fees, paying down debt to increase credit and/or paying off any recent evictions.
1. Placing families living in motels into permanent housing
2. Giving families the tools to find and maintain permanent housing by Increasing the monthly income of the family to increase stability
3. Monthly in person workshops to build social capital and increase knowledge on savings, income, credit and maintaining permanent housing
4. Increase financial well-being by incentivizing an increase in savings and credit
Meet Kiara- Kiara and her two kids found themselves living in an extended stay for eight months due to the difficulty of finding permanent housing. Kiara enrolled in Frontline Housing's Operation: Housing Program, a conditional cash transfer program. Kiara was provided $500/month with the conditions of savings, applying to apartments and attending monthly workshops. Kiara was able to obtain permanent housing, and has built a savings over the eight month program.
Meet the Operation: Housing team! Together Morgan, Kinte and Courtney enroll individuals and families into the Conditional Cash Transfer Program and place them into permanent housing!
Orlandria was homeless for years and didn't think she would ever find stability. She was able to obtain housing through the help of the Conditional Cash Transfer Program. She has learned how to save money and improve her credit. She was able to find a job where she gets to help others in the homeless community and is so happy to be able to have this opportunity to give back. Orlandria could not be more thankful to the team of people who have helped support her and help her get where she is today!